
Dis-placia: Vacants in the Village Exhibition

Dis-placia: Vacants in the Village Exhibition

"A blighted Baltimore is a bleeding Baltimore." Blight is the concentration of vacant, abandoned, dilapidated, underused or mis-utilized properties in communities. Technoartivist, Nneka N’namdi, produced an exploration of blight in Baltimore that fused technology, art and activism to engage in learning about the impact of blight on residents and to apply collective creativity with resilience to vision equitable and sustainable solutions.

Take Your Own Advice, Mama!

Take Your Own Advice, Mama!

After evaluating the condition of all of the properties that HCD has on its watch list many more structures were slated for emergency demolition. The burden of the expense for demolition is being defrayed by implementation of the Governor’s C.O.R.E program. The program aims to conduct strategic demolition and stabilization of structures in Baltimore City as a means of “revitalization.”